Food For Thought This Week
*No matter what plans I have for the day this baby I'm carrying has other plans
*I adore my children's friends
*I adore my friends
*My children's friends think that I have gotten REAAAAALLLLLY BIG and that I better HAVE THAT BABY SOON!!!
*Even when your husband is sick and feels like garbage, when his unborn child is craving cucumbers at 9:30 on a Sunday night he will get up and go to the store and get them.
*Playing with Highschool Musical Dolls is almost as fun as watching the movie itself....especially when I get to do my own rendition of Coach Bolton!
*Little One can really shake her groove thing!
*The Greenbay Packers are soooooooooooooo frustrating!!!!
*No matter what week of your pregnancy you are in you are NEVER out of the woods where puking is concerned.
*The Amazing Race is AWESOME...even when the team you were cheering for doesn't win!
*February 4th is an EXCELLENT day to find out the sex of your baby!
*Little Chickens are always cute
*G can sleep over at her friends houses and actually SLEEP through the night... but will not sleep through the night at her own home!
*When you seriously suggest that if your child is a boy it should be named "Rex" your husband will laugh until he cries.
*Bunnies and Rottweilers do NOT get along....RIP Luna Fravel.
*Winter SUCKS when it won't go away.
*When left to her own devices Little One will choose cold cheese pizza for breakfast.
*Politics are always interesting if you pay attention.
*The New American Gladiators is just as fantastic as the original!! Gladiators RULE.
*When your childhood home that you love hasn't sold and you have to listen to your parents complain daily about it suddenly said home turns into "that freaking home that isn't selling, that better sell or I'm going to freak out".
LOL!!! I am sure you are not *THAT* big. Kids are funny about that ;)
eek! Feb. 4th - how exciting!!!!!
hugs sweets!
Feb 4th?? YEA!!! I need to see *Little One* shaking her groove thing...she and Sammy could share some moves! I kinda like *Rex*...
13 more days!!!!!!!!!!
Are you sure you can wait that long??
I like to see posts on your site, because then I know you are still alive!! I can't wait to see if it's a Rex!!
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