le petit poulet

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Roller Coaster

Wow, this whole not puking/puking thing is a craaaazy roller coaster. I had a good week, then a had a bad week now I'm having an in between week! Last week wasn't so great, oddly enough I wasn't eating the amount of salsa that I had been consuming the week before. Coincidence? I think not!! Perhaps Tres Hombres salsa has some sort of medicinal value that up until now has been overlooked? I started back on the salsa on Sunday and hmmmmmmm it was a better day. Very strange.
I have actually been getting back some interests other than sitting around and mourning the fact that I don't feel well, it's freaking freezing outside and very bleak etc. I started digi scrapbooking again! I have a wonderful group of gals that I started digiscrapping with once a month starting before I knew I was pregnant. It is so fun because we are all at different levels so we can teach each other things and share ideas and cheer each other on! Once the puking hit I haven't been much into the scrapbooking and sadly I missed last month altogether but I decided that I was going to get going and get some pages done and I have to say I am slightly obsessed right now! I finished 19 pages in the last two weeks! I can't wait to show Angie, Stacy and Liz my progress at next digiscrap night!
There is also this AWESOME site Diginirvana that Liz's cousin has created with fantastic things that are right up my alley! I love the idea that to launch the site they are doing these $1 days where you can buy the item that day for $1. I have gotten some AMAZING digi packs so far. Plus for signing up on the mailing list they sent me a fantastic paper package with the most gorgeous papers!
I'm going to try and upload some of my pages to my flickr account so I can share!
I also found a site that prints the 12X12 layouts for $2.25 per page. It is Pure Print Design.I'm going to try it out first and see what I think. I uploaded 10 pages to start with. I'll let you know the quality outcome. I have used Costco thus far and been very happy with them but it is always fun to try out something new for a better bargain!
I have two appts for photography that I promised to do in Feb but that is all I can do. (Adrienne you and Syd are one, I'll send you some dates!!) I just don't have the energy or puke free promise for long enough to schedule more!
I am definitely going to take on more in March (fingers crossed). I hate missing out on all these great people who have called!! It seems weird to not be pulling the camera out on a daily basis, but it has also been nice. Makes me that much more anxious and excited when I get back to it. And believe me I am looking forward to having that camera attached to me when the baby comes!! This baby will think the camera is its' second mother! HA HA HA HA


Blogger The Peach.... said...

Oh Susan, I hope you feel better soon......it's no fun. Do you know what you are having yet? I can't wait to come see you again!!!

January 18, 2008 at 9:46 PM  

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